
Deep NLP - Word Level Semantics

Word Level Semantics

Count-based methods

  • Define a basis vocabulary \(C\) of context words
  • Define a word window size \(w\)
  • Count the basis vocabulary words occurring \(w\) words to the left or right of each instance of a target word in the corpus.
  • Form a vector representation of the target word based on these counts.


  • ... and the cute kitten purred and then ...
  • ... the cute furry cat purred and miaowed ...
  • ... that the small kitten miaowed and she ...
  • ... the loud furry dog ran and bit ...

Example basis vocabulary: {bit, cute, furry, loud, miaowed, purred, ran, small}.

  • kitten context words: {cute, purred, small, miaowed}.
  • cat context words: {cute, furry, miaowed}.
  • dog context words: {loud, furry, ran, bit}.


  • \(kitten = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]^T\)
  • \(cat = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]^T\)
  • \(dog = [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]^T\)

Neural Embedding Models

  • Learning count based vetors produces an embedding matrix \(E\) in \(R^{|vocab|*|context|}\).

  • Rows are word vectors = one hot vector

    • \(cat = onehot^T_{cat}E\)

General idea behind embedding learning:

  1. Collect instances \(t_i \in inst(t)\) of a word \(t\) of vocab \(V\)
  2. For each instance, collect its context words \(c(t_i)\) (e.g. k-word window)
  3. Define some score function \(socre(t_i, c(t_i); \theta, E)\) with upper bound on output
  4. Define a loss
  5. Estimate
  6. Use the estimated \(E\) as your embedding matrix





Task-based Embedding Learning

Neural network parameters are updated using gradients on loss \(L(x, y, \theta)\) \[ \theta_{t+1} = update(\theta_t, \triangledown_\theta L(x, y, \theta_t)) \] If \(E \in \theta\) then this update can modify \(E\) : \[ E_{t+1} = update(E_t, \triangledown_E L(x, y, \theta_t)) \] General intuition: learn to classify/predict/generate based on features, but also the features themselves.

  • Bow Classifiers
  • Bilingual Features

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